When we lose a loved one, life changes drastically.  For some, the loss is great–it is deeply personal.  It creates havoc in our lives and devastates us emotionally.  For others the loss is minimal.  For some, it’s simply a name and a paragraph or two in the obituary column.  Grief can be so overwhelming.  Sorrow grips one’s heart and tears it apart.  Some cannot eat, nor sleep, or function normally.  Things seem so out of control.  Beyond hope.  After funerals, and the mourners go home, the most deeply affected by the loss remain.  They have an empty chair, an empty bed, an empty house.  Indeed they have an emptiness of soul. Sometimes grief is too hard to bear.  We try to go on, but nothing we do gives us comfort.  We may think we are beyond hope as Jeremiah relates:

“Oh that I could comfort myself against sorrow [for my grief is beyond healing], my heart is sick and faint within me.” Jeremiah 8:18.

I’ve had times like this. Sometimes it is not the loss of a loved one.  It may be the loss of a relationship.  Or overcoming rejection and criticism.  In these times I wish I could comfort myself…I look for ways.  I sleep.  I lie in the hammock and read.  I listen to music and sometimes sing along.  I go to lunch with friends.  I busy myself and try to cram as much as I can into each hour so I do not have a moment to reflect on the void within me.  I fall into my husband’s arms and say “I need a hug”.  It feels good, even if he doesn’t understand my heartache.  Inwardly I cry.  Oh my soul why am I cast down, O Lord?  What makes me forget You in the darkness of an hour?  What causes me to rail against the chords of Your sufficiency?  Why must I seek to comfort myself when You stand ready to lift me up?  My husband’s arms remind me of the strength I have in Jesus, the warmth of His comfort.  In Him is the peace that none other can impart.  In Him is the rest, the healing.  For He is acquainted with all our griefs.  Comfort comes from within–within the body of Jesus Christ Himself Who dwells within my soul and moves within my spirit.  

PRAYER:  Lord, we know You are our comfort.  We know You are always ready to embrace us and surround us with Your love.  You’ve walked where we walk, You’ve grieved as we grieve.  Keep us mindful of Your presence in the darkness of our souls.  Restore Your light to our spirit and peace to our hearts.  selahV

© Hariette Petersen, SelahV Today, 2010

Schimbari [ Devotion ]

“Ca vulturu care isi scutura cuibul,… asa a calauzit Domnul singur pe poporul Sau. ” – Deut. 32:11,12

Schimbarile care survin in vietile noastre produc, deseori, inlauntrul nostru sentimente care se contrazic. Asteptam schimbarile nerabdatori, si in acelasi timp ne este groaza de ele.
Prima schimbare mare din viata mea a avut loc atunci cand am inceput sa merg la scoala. Locuiam la o ferma in Dakota de Nord, si nu am avut contact pana atunci decat cu cateva rude si cativa prieteni. Nu mi-a placut ideea de a fi cu copii pe care nu-i cunosteam – unii din ei provenind din alte medii culturale. Dar totusi doream sa fiu “destul de mare” ca sa traversez campul pana la scoala, impreuna cu verisorii mei. Din fericire, colegii de clasa au fost prietenosi, astfel ca mi-a placut la scoala. Acele schimbari timpurii au fost bune pentru mine.
    Si israelitii trebuie sa fii incercat aceleasi sentimente contradictorii atunci cand s-au pregatit sa cucereasca Tara Promisa. Planul de a intra intr-o tara “unde curge lapte si miere” era grozav, dar le era teama de vrajmasii lor. De aceea, Moise le-a pus in fata un tablou. El le-a vorbit despre puii de vulturi care nu vor sa-si paraseasca cuibul si sa-si incerce aripile. Dar spre binele lor, vulturul mama trebuie sa-i oblige sa-si paraseasca cuibul, iar dupa aceea planeaza in jurul lor ca sa le asigure protectia.
    Intocmai dupa cum puii de vultur n-ar zbura niciodata daca nu ar fi inmpinsi din cuibul lor, nici noi credinciosii n-am invata sa urcam spre culmi, daca Dumnezeu nu ar produce fortat anumite schimbari in viata noastra. N-avem de ce sa ne temem. El ne asigura de dragostea si grija Sa, oricat de mari vor fi schimbarile. [-H.V.L.]

Viata mea-i in mana Tatalui meu,
Si ce-as puta dori sau cere mai mult ?
Caci El care mi-a croit cararile mereu
Ma va calauzi pana la sfarsit de drum.

Poate ca ajungem in situatii care depasesc posibilitatile rezervelor noastre, dar ele nu vor depasi niciodata resursele lui Dumnezeu.

Viziunea 7000 – E. Frank [e-book]

[…] În această broşură vrem să prezentăm pe scurt evenimentele actuale în lumina profeţiei biblice. Sunt aproximativ 6000 de ani de când primii oameni au văzut pentru prima dată lumina acestei lumi. Socotit în mare, de la Adam până la Avraam au trecut 2000 de ani, de la Avraam până la Hristos 2000 de ani, şi de la naşterea lui Hristos, începutul socotirii timpului nostru, tot 2000 de ani. Pe bună dreptate ne întrebăm dacă trecerea nu doar într-un alt secol, ci şi într-alt mileniu, nu va aduce ceva extraordinar şi în istoria omenirii.

Speculaţiile asupra acestui timp s-au înmulţit de la intrarea în noul mileniu. Experţii prevăd un tablou obscur pentru viitorul apropiat, în special în ceea ce priveşte Orientul Mijlociu. Da, există chiar unii, ca acel deputat al congresului din S.U.A., care a declarat că noi suntem poate prima generaţie care trebuie să se teamă că va fi ultima din civilizaţia prezentă. Se vorbeşte deschis despre escatologie şi despre infernul apocaliptic, care ar putea să izbucnească în scurt timp peste pământ. Evident, şi opinia publică este îngrijorată de ceea ce se va întâmpla în viitorul apropiat. Depindem noi de văzători în privinţa acestor teme aşa de importante? Trebuie să-i consultăm pe filozofi şi să-i interpretăm? Sau poate să-i vizităm pe ghicitori şi astrologi? Trebuie să ne întoarcem la Nostradamus sau la alţi auto-intitulaţi „ profeţi ” ca să găsim sfaturi şi să le explicăm predicţiile? Sau putem găsi răspunsuri adevărate şi sigure la toate aceste întrebări în Sfânta Scriptură? Da, cu siguranţă, căci este scris: „ avem Cuvântul proorociei făcut şi mai tare; la care bine faceţi că luaţi aminte, ca la o lumină care străluceşte într-un loc întunecos, până se va crăpa de ziuă şi va răsări luceafărul de dimineaţă în inimile voastre. ” (2 Petru 1:19).
O informare actuală din Sfânta Scriptură este necesară şi ar trebui să fie binevenită pentru fiecare om care vrea să afle sincer şi deschis despre lucrurile care se întâmplă acum. Dumnezeu, care este Atotştiutor, a putut să lase scris deja la începutul timpului, ceea ce se va întâmpla pânăla sfârşitul timpului. Oamenii scriu istoria pe baza evenimentelor deja împlinite. Dumnezeu a scris dinainte întreaga istorie a omenirii şi istoria mântuirii care se desfăşoară până la formarea noului cer şi al noului pământ, până când timpul se revarsă din nou în veşnicie. Evenimentele şi succesiunea lor sunt descrise cu claritate în Sfânta Scriptură. Ele sunt ireversibile şi iminente.
În Viziunea 7000 vrem să atragem atenţia mai întâi asupra lucrurilor care vor veni negreşit asupra noastră în viitorul apropiat şi apoi să arătăm calea de scăpare, înainte să vină judecata nimicitoare: „ Căci ziua aceea va veni ca un laţ peste toţi locuitorii pământului ” (Luca 21:34-46). În ceea ce priveşte desfăşurarea actuală, există într-adevăr o orientare clară din Sfânta Scriptură pe baza semnelor timpului: „Tot aşa şi voi, când veţi vedea toate aceste lucruri, să ştiţi că Fiul Omului este aproape, este chiar la uşi ” (Matei 24:33). Şi chiar dacă se pare că de 2000 de ani nu a mai intervenit nimic deosebit direct din cer şi oamenii nu cred că Dumnezeu intervine în istorie, totuşi se va întâmpla pentru că este prezis în Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. […]

Nothing of the Old Life! [ Devotion ]

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new —2 Corinthians 5:17
Our Lord never tolerates our prejudices— He is directly opposed to them and puts them to death. We tend to think that God has some special interest in our particular prejudices, and are very sure that He will never deal with us as He has to deal with others. We even say to ourselves, “God has to deal with other people in a very strict way, but of course He knows that my prejudices are all right.” But we must learn that God accepts nothing of the old life! Instead of being on the side of our prejudices, He is deliberately removing them from us. It is part of our moral education to see our prejudices put to death by His providence, and to watch how He does it. God pays no respect to anything we bring to Him. There is only one thing God wants of us, and that is our unconditional surrender.
When we are born again, the Holy Spirit begins to work His new creation in us, and there will come a time when there is nothing remaining of the old life. Our old gloomy outlook disappears, as does our old attitude toward things, and “all things are of God” (2 Corinthians 5:18). How are we going to get a life that has no lust, no self-interest, and is not sensitive to the ridicule of others? How will we have the type of love that “is kind . . . is not provoked, [and] thinks no evil”? (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). The only way is by allowing nothing of the old life to remain, and by having only simple, perfect trust in God— such a trust that we no longer want God’s blessings, but only want God Himself. Have we come to the point where God can withdraw His blessings from us without our trust in Him being affected? Once we truly see God at work, we will never be concerned again about the things that happen, because we are actually trusting in our Father in heaven, whom the world cannot see.

Israeli believers share the Gospel via the Internet

Israelis spend more time online than anyone else, so what better way to reach them?

The community of Messianic Jews (Jews who believe in Jesus) in Israel is becoming increasingly bold. Whereas past decades had seen the bulk of evangelical work in Israel done by foreign Christians, the breaking down of certain societal barriers in recent years has brought the local Body of Messiah to the forefront.

No longer are Israeli Messianic Jews seen as pariahs by the majority of average Israelis. Opposition to Messianic Jews by radical ultra-Orthodox elements has increased, and even reached violent levels, but that is only further evidence that Israeli believers are really coming into their own, a fact the enemy does not appreciate.

As part of that newfound boldness, a group of Israeli believers in Jesus are turning to the Internet to spread the Good News. The founders of the website One for Israel (who declined to reveal their personal identities for fear of attacks by anti-missionary groups) note that “Israelis spend 57.5 hours a month online, double the amount of time that Americans spend.”

And many of those Israeli online surfers are looking for more than just entertainment. “The phrase ‘messiah’ in Hebrew is searched for 145,000 times a month,” One for Israel explained.

In response to those numbers, One for Israel created a series of websites, including: – Jewish, science and philosophical apologetics – video testimonials from Israeli believers – testimonies of rabbis who have come to faith in Jesus – an online film about Jesus

The sites are not yet pulling in any major traffic, but advertising campaigns on Facebook (an Israeli favorite) and other social media platforms is starting to bring in a trickle of those curious to find out more about faith in Jesus.

[ Daily Devotion ] Power of Providence

“There is corn in Egypt.”
–Genesis 42:2

Famine pinched all the nations, and it seemed inevitable that Jacob and his family should suffer great want; but the God of providence, who never forgets the objects of electing love, had stored a granary for His people by giving the Egyptians warning of the scarcity, and leading them to treasure up the grain of the years of plenty. Little did Jacob expect deliverance from Egypt, but there was the corn in store for him. Believer, though all things are apparently against thee, rest assured that God has made a reservation on thy behalf; in the roll of thy griefs there is a saving clause. Somehow He will deliver thee, and somewhere He will provide for thee. The quarter from which thy rescue shall arise may be a very unexpected one, but help will assuredly come in thine extremity, and thou shalt magnify the name of the Lord. If men do not feed thee, ravens shall; and if earth yield not wheat, heaven shall drop with manna. Therefore be of good courage, and rest quietly in the Lord.

God can make the sun rise in the west if He pleases, and make the source of distress the channel of delight. The corn in Egypt was all in the hands of the beloved Joseph; he opened or closed the granaries at will. And so the riches of providence are all in the absolute power of our Lord Jesus, who will dispense them liberally to His people. Joseph was abundantly ready to succour his own family; and Jesus is unceasing in His faithful care for His brethren. Our business is to go after the help which is provided for us: we must not sit still in despondency, but bestir ourselves. Prayer will bear us soon into the presence of our royal Brother: once before His throne we have only to ask and have: His stores are not exhausted; there is corn still: His heart is not hard, He will give the corn to us. Lord, forgive our unbelief, and this evening constrain us to draw largely from Thy fulness and receive grace for grace.

Power of Providence by C.H. Spurgeon
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