The Vatican Jesuit Global Conspiracy

This is the fourth in a series of booklets on the Vatican in the
Western world today. In this booklet we try to sketch the role that the Vatican plays in world politics today and the goal and plan it has for the world. We also look at the enormous financial resources that the Vatican possesses and the billions more which are at its disposal. 

We also look at the part that the Jesuits play in helping to implement the goal of the Vatican. In our travels and teaching we find that there is almost a total blackout concerning the sinster aspirations of the Vatican and the Jesuits. Men who purport to write on the great conspiracy that is out to control the world not only never mention the Vatican, but if they do, they make the Vatican out to be the target of the conspiracy rather than the originator of the conspiracy. 

It is obvious to anyone who is even remotely interested in the Vatican conspiracy that times have certainly changed the attitudes of Protestant Christians toward the Jesuits. The word “Jesuit” used to conjure up in the minds of those who heard it a malevolent and satanic rictus. But times have changed. Today Jesuits are accorded reverence and respect in all segments of western society, and yes, even allowed back into Eastern society after being banned from countries like China for almost thirty years. 

Former President Nixon used a Jesuit to write his speeches. Jesuits are leading lights in the modern irenic dialogue of the ecumenical movement so that at least in the United States an aura of respectability now surrounds the workings of the Jesuits. Not all Americans or even all American Roman Catholics are impressed with the Jesuits, but the plans of the Vatican Hierarchy are proceeding along clearly defined lines no matter whether some Roman Catholics may approve or not. The Vatican and the Jesuits have the same goal in mind. They are both working to bring the world to the feet of the Roman Pontiff.

The Vatican Jesuit Global Conspiracy